About our Local School Committee
The Committee has at least seven members. Three are elected each year for a two-year term. Three liaisons are appointed, one for the Okanagan Indian Band, one for Our Lady of the Valley Parish, and one for Sacred Heart Parish in Lumby. Meetings are open to the parents and interested parish members on designated dates throughout the school year.
The Local School committee works with the pastor and principal to carry out vital functions of the school. Responsibilities of committee members include:
a) Collaborating with the administration and the parish to maintain and develop the school facility.
b) Collaborate with administration and staff to ensure resources are available to maintain and develop excellent religious education, academic and extracurricular programs.
c) Collaborate with the administration to ensure adequate staffing of the school.
d) Oversight and decision making regarding the financial needs of the school.
e) Public relations and promotion of the school.
The Local School Committee operates under the authority of the Catholic Independent Schools of the Kamloops Diocese.
Please come out to our meetings to keep in touch with the happenings and future planning for our school.
How to Bring Questions, Comments or Concerns to the Local School Committee
If you would like to address the school committee or put something on the school committee agenda, submissions can be dropped off to the school office or emailed to the principal at principal@stjamesvernon.com by the second Wednesday of the month.
All submissions must be in writing, with contact information included (name & phone number), to allow the committee chair to review your issue with you before the meeting.
Local School Committee Meetings (open to parents)
Last Monday of the month, 6:30pm
St. James School Library
(unless otherwise announced)
Local School Committee Members 2022 – 2023
Taryn Allen (Chair)
Katrina Redgwell (Vice Chair)
Camilla Smailes (Secretary)
Jenna Abbott (Finance)
Katherine L’Heureux (Member at Large)